Dr Yih Harng Chong is a Geriatrician who works at North Shore Hospital, and has a wide interest in older adult and internal medical issues.
His main work is in the care of older patients with fracture and issues of bone health, as well as optimising older people to be better prepared for surgery.
He also enjoys dealing with issues of community geriatrics, memory and cognitive problems, frailty, and other complex medical issues.
He is also part of an international research committee that seeks to improve the health and well being of older patients undergoing surgery.
On top of that he is a Senior Lecturer in the Medical School of the University of Auckland and is an Examiner for the RACP.
Dr Yih Harng Chong is fluent in both Mandarin and Cantonese as well as English.
His medical degree is from the University of Auckland, PhD from the University of Otago and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
Dr Chong welcomes referrals for geriatric and internal medical issues, and is available to review patients in clinic or in the Aged Residential Care Facilities.